The Owl and The Fox

My youngest son, Nathaniel, is particularly enamored of the Fox song. You know,  “What did the fox say?”  So when I found a crochet pattern for a fox hat, and I already had the perfect colors of yarn with no real plans to use them, I — obviously — had to make him a hat. He LOVES it. It’s really cute.

I was experimenting with the orange yarn, trying out new stitches, thinking I might end up with a scarf for myself. When I was getting low on yarn, though, I decided to just stop while it was short and make it a kid scarf. He wears them both everywhere. And asks “what does the fox say?” even more than before.


Then I decided to experiment with a variation on the hat pattern. My middle son, Timothy, is a forest boy. He goes to school two days a week in the forest. He loves all our local wildlife. I made up an owl hat for him.


A great horned owl, in case it isn’t clear. I’ll try to post more details and better photos soon.

Now, there’s one more hat to make, for the 9 year old. He has requested an eagle. That’s going to be interesting.

A Year-Long Ripple Blanket

Following the pattern and color palette on Attic24, I worked on this blanket sporadically over the course of 2013. It was started in February and finished in December. I really enjoyed being able to pick it up and work a bit whenever I felt like it, not racing to finish but enjoying the process.


Still lots of yarn left in the basket…



Littlest boy seems to like it even at this stage.


And now it covers the couch! It’s big enough for two (or three small) people to share. It’s warm, it’s drape-y, it’s bright and colorful. And I love the ripples.



Granny Squares Cushion

I started this last spring, when crochet was still something fairly new to me. It’s taken a while, because I’ve decided that granny squares are not my favorite thing to crochet. See how they’re all sort of wonky and not even sizes? And then there’s the whole joining-them-together bit. Ha. The squares stayed squares for, um, months. Since last June, in fact. 


But I have finally (finally!) joined them together, and even put a back on to make a cushion cover.



It’s just two pieces of fleece in coordinating colors. Since this photo I’ve added two big green buttons.




And it is well-loved and well-used. I do love the bright spots of color. But I’m still not really interested in making more granny squares. Maybe someday.
